Friday, February 22, 2008

Consignment Season Is Here

As the children's consignment season is approaching at rapid speed here in TN, I decided to put together a blog where consignors and shoppers alike could come together to share their experiences, great bargains, and frustrations with the children's consignment world.

If you could take things from each sale and put them together to make the perfect children's consignment sale, what would those things be?

I love consignment season...even though it can be sheer madness at times! I find the BEST stuff for my kids at a fraction of the price and I figure I am pretty much outfitting my kiddos for free. Since I buy everything on clearance (if it's not on sale, I don't need it), I can usually get most of my investment back when it comes time to sell it. It's a win, win!

Last but not least, post a comment with your favorite children's consignment sale. We'll add it to the list above!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brea! Hey.. I love those smocked dresses! They are too cute! I am so excited about the sale coming up soon! I love the new location by Aldi's! I can't wait!