Saturday, February 28, 2009

It's Worth It....

I am laying in bed (SO SORE) at 9:32pm on Saturday night and I am proud to say we have our first day of drop off under our belts. It went SOOO well. THANKS to all the fabulous workers who KICKED BUTT today. We are actually ready for drop off tomorrow and we aren't that far behind which is a miracle in and of itself.

As I doing my last walk through tonight before I left, I realized I had to share these thoughts with you here on the blog. I talked to a previous consignor earlier tonight who was unsure if she was going to consign this time. "I'm just not sure it's worth it" she said. "All that time to tag my clothes and then bring them down there....I think I would just rather do a yard sale."

So, is it worth it?

Well, here's my opinion.

You are going to work ten times harder to have a yard sale where no one is going to want to pay you anything near what your stuff is worth. I'm lucky to get .25 for a piece of clothing at a yard sale.

Is it worth it?

HECK YA! Tag that stuff and bring it down. Do you realize we are in a recession and people NEED to shop second hand to save some money? I truly believe this will be our best sale yet.

Today alone we had about 150 people drop off and I swear we already have as much stuff as we did the entire sale last time. If you don't consign, you can't come to presale.

Yes, I know you have to stand in line, but where else can you go and get your kids entire summer wardrobe for $100. I would stand in line to save that kind of money.

So, yes, I think it's worth it. AND NOT JUST BECAUSE I RUN THE SALE. I want people to CLEAN THOSE CLOSETS OUT, because it makes you more money and it provides our shoppers with more items to choose from.

Don't miss out on what I hope to be a record breaking sale. Spread the word about Encores and More's worth it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree is worth the time and effort to tag, clean, and present my kids clothes at a store like yours. Yard sales are not where it's at! Too sketchy and people just looking for junk. I always sell everything at your sales if I clean them well and present them neatly with REASONABLE prices. I have found that is what I spend my time looking for in return. Thanks for the well-oiled machine that gets my stuff out of the closet.

Jill Upchurch