Monday, August 2, 2010

Day 2 of Drop-off: Brea's Favorite Things

Yes, I know I'm a little late in getting my favorite things post from Sunday, but we were there setting up more racks until almost 11pm and by the time I finished answering emails it was 1am, so I figured it could wait right? :)

Sunday's drop-off was amazing! We had about 200 people drop-off in under 6 hours. Some amazing stuff is being brought in! For those of you that asked a few questions in the last post. Yes, I have seen several sit and stand strollers including an amazing TRIPLE has two spots for the small ones and then the seat in the back. SO COOL! I will check prices on sit and stands and post that tonight. I have also seen multiple plastic toy boxes, but only a few wooden ones so far. Again, I'll check prices and post that tonight. I have seen several of the plastic vanities, but a super cool princess wooden vanity came in yesterday. On push cars, I know we have gotten at least two of the primary colored ones that would work for a boy (red, blue).

PLEASE feel free to post comments about what you are looking for and I'll be happy to check and see if we have any yet.

Brea's Top 5 for Sunday, 8/1:
1. Entire wooden twin bedroom set: includes twin bed, dresser, desk with chair $200
2. Little Tikes pink play house that has never been outdoors $100
3. The amazing sit and stand stroller I mentioned above. Looks BRAND NEW $225
4. Girls 12M Matilda Jane knot dress with ruffle pants. $40
5. I say this in all seriousness. I have never seen so much new and used Gymboree in my life. So I am stuffing this all in on #5. Seriously, if you love Gymboree clothes, you must attend this sale. I even saw two piece outfits come in yesterday for $4!

Check back tonight for my post on Monday's favorite things. General drop off today from 10-6!

1 comment:

Jenna said...

I'm looking for a double side-by-side stroller! With a 2 month old and a 15 month old, it would be a huge blessing to me!