Monday, August 8, 2011

Encores North: Everything you need to know BEFORE you print your tags!

I thought I would spend a few minutes this morning giving everyone the lowdown on what to do and not to do when it comes to printing your tags for the sale. Yes, we are using a new system this time, but I promise once you sit down to use it, you will be thrilled with the ease of the system and it's really cool to test out some of the features (like seeing how much inventory you have entered, transferring items from sale to sale, etc)

All that to say, you need to make sure you are doing some KEY things RIGHT before you spend all your time tagging only to get to drop off and realize you have done it WRONG. By following these simply guidelines, drop off will be a breeze and you will be telling all your friends how amazing the new system is.

First and MOST importantly, there are two tagging systems in place:
The one for the Encores North CHILDREN'S sale can be accessed by going here:
The one for the Encores North ADULT'S sale is here:

Once you are in the system, PLEASE remember that you will need to access the other system if you pricing both children's and adult items. If you tag 10 pieces of kids clothing and then find an adult sweater, switch systems. You can use the same number for each system, but this is VERY important: you will put an "A" before your number in the adult system. So, if your kids number is 2589, your adult number will be A02589. When you go to print your tags, don't be alarmed if the numbers now read 002589 and A02589, this is normal and correct!

Once you are ready to print tags, you need to make sure your printer is printing them 6 tags to a page ON CARDSTOCK. We will not accept paper tags.Please set your printer settings to gray scale or draft (so your barcodes do not print too dark) and set the scaling to “Fit to the Page”. Like Goldilocks, aim for not too dark, not too light, but “just right!”
Here are some things to beware of:
  • Thick, dark bar code lines that run together
  • Wavy lines or fuzzy lines
  • Spotty or very light lines
Chances are, if you are questioning whether the barcode looks right, it probably isn't. Here's a great page to check out good and bad bar codes:

One last thing to remember, DON'T hand write tags. We can no longer take them. Don't have a printer? Head to a friend or family's house and print your tags there. You are able to type it all in at home and then access it from a different location to print. DON'T make a bunch of $5 tags and then make copies of those tags...each item must have it's own item number and if you are copying tags, the system will only recognize it being sold one time (each tag is coded with a specific item number for that item)

Have questions? We are absolutely here to help and no question is silly!

Happy Tagging!

1 comment:

Theda said...

Do you need separate appointments if you are dropping off for both sales, or is one appt all that's needed?