Thursday, January 12, 2012

Sweet Leslie

I wish I wasn't typing this. I wish I had answers for what I'm about to type, but I don't.

Our sweet Leslie Armstrong passed away last night. For those of you that worked, consigned, or shopped at Encores North, I'm sure you saw or interacted with Leslie. She was that sweet redhead who checked you in during dropping off, cut your tags at check out and always had a smile on her face.

Here's some of the pics I will cherish forever. The first is Alicia Pelham, Natalie Dohanos, me and Leslie on a cruise we took in October 2010:
This pic was taken at the Encores North sale when we were still at Goody's. This is Leslie and Katy Oakes. Man, she had a great smile:
Probably one of my favorite memories..the first time we all went to dinner and thought it would be a good idea to ride in the back of a pickup truck. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life:
This was the sale held next to Aldi's. Leslie was so excited because she found out the day of worker presale that she was having a boy, sweet Mason.
Same sale...Leslie needed some new maternity clothes so Pam Davis and I thought we could help her out :)
On the cruise: we were going for a glamour shot style portrait and obviously, having a great time.
Sweet Leslie, you have impacted me more than you will know. You were a true friend and I will miss you so much. Scrapbook retreats and sales won't be the same. My heart is broken.


Anonymous said...

I did not know Leslie, but I do remember seeing her at your sale. I feel so bad for you Brea and everyone who was close to her. I will especially keep her husband and children in my prayers. I am so sorry for the loss of your dear friend.

halojane said...

So sad and sorry about your loss, her friends loss, her families loss, the communities loss. She sounded like a great person. Praying for you all.