Monday, September 12, 2011

Consignment Questions? We have ANSWERS!

Well, it's officially time to start your last minute, tag like a mad woman (man) for Encores North. Drop off is SEVEN days away and if you are like me, you aren't even close to ready. I'll warn you, this post might be long, but if you plan to consign at North without any bumps in the road, you NEED to read this! :)

Step 1: Getting registered.
*When you have unloaded tubs and tubs of stuff to sell and you want to cry, never fear....pour yourself a drink (water, of course!) AND go ahead and get yourself registered. Only selling kids clothing, you need to go here:
Encores North Children's Sale-My Consignment Manager
Here you will register by creating a user name and password (WRITE THIS DOWN!) and it will give you a consignor number. I would also go ahead and register for a drop off time while you are at it and write this down as well. It will automatically give you a number and you can go ahead and start tagging if you are ready.

What constitutes as a children's item? Well, anything related to children including maternity clothing.

IF YOU HAVE ADULT ITEMS (adult furniture, home decor, clothing) YOU MUST register on this system:
Encores North Adult Sale-My Consignment Manager
Here you will register using the same user name and password that you created above and it will allow you to choose your number. Just choose the same number, except if you were 002304 above, you will now be A02304 for the adult sale.

Why is it different for each sale? Well, the adult sale and the children's sale are two completely different sales. Although they are held at the same location and same time, the splits are different (70/30 on the kids, 60/40 on the adults), there are two seperate fees AND we will have some people that only sell adults and some that only sell childrens.

On that note, before you start tagging for the adult sale, MAKE SURE you read the list of acceptable brands for the adult sale:
You should think of the adult sale like this: UPSCALE not garage sale! If you bring clothing items older than 3 years and brands not on the list above, they will be rejected at drop-off. Adult clothing does not sell near as well as children's, so please make sure you are only bringing the cream of the crop, not just some old clothing you dug out. What would you want to buy? High end, boutique brands, Uggs, awesome furniture, etc.

Step 2: Tagging
As you enter your items in the system, feel free to do a little at a time! The system will store your items for you until you print. KEEP IN MIND: While you can see all the inventory you have entered, the only way we could show you what you are selling throughout the sale would be to physically scan each item as you bring it in. Unfortunately, we just aren't able to do that. At the end of the sale, you WILL be able to see your totals right before we mail checks, but we will not be uploading what you sold on an item by item basis. If you have questions, please feel free to email about this.

Step 3: Printing
MAKE SURE you are printing on cardstock which you can buy very cheaply at Walmart, Target, etc. It will say CARDSTOCK on the packaging so if it doesn't, you aren't buying the right thing. Also, as you print, make sure your barcodes look good. Here's some examples:

If your barcodes are bad and don't scan, you will have to go home and reprint.

Step 4: Dropping Off
First, make an appointment NOW. They are filling up quickly because we don't have any general drop off days this time. As you are loading your car, try to keep your clothing items in size/sex order simply because you will be putting out your own clothing items so this will save you loads of time. If at all possible, try not to bring your kiddos to drop off. Yes, we LOVE your kids and we know you do too....with that being said, you are going to be checking in, signing forms, putting out items, etc. so you will be so much less stressed IF you don't have the littles hanging on your leg :)

Step 5: Shopping! THE BEST STEP
Consignors get to shop at 6pm on Friday, September 22 at 6pm. One person per pass, NO KIDDOS! You will also receive a guest pass for the same night at 8pm for a friend/relative to join you. Again, one person, no kids.

Want to shop before the consignors? Just sign up to work some shifts with us! We still have lots of great shifts open and you will love all the women and men you meet working. I always get so excited to go to an event later in the season and see so many new friends that met while working. It's a great group of people.

WE REALLY NEED WOMEN AND MEN that can help with security and loading. If you are able to help carry heavy items to the car, chat it up with customers and watch for thieves, WE NEED YOU! Shoot an email to and put in the subject line: SECURITY SHIFTS and she will get right back to you.

That's all for now...I'll be doing a post later today on all the people shopping at new moms so be watching for that!

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