Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My Consignment Manager

Hey everyone! I wanted to take a few minutes and give you my perspective on My Consignment Manager and all the questions everyone has been asking. Please keep in mind, this is my opinion and thoughts, not anything I've cleared with the new owners.

Jonathan and I had first considered using MCM or one of their competitors years ago. When we started 6 years ago (almost 7!), we literally had an old school system that was based solely on an excel spreadsheet and old school barcodes. For 6 years, at the end of each sale, all the info we could give consignors at the end of each sale was the number of items sold and at what price (and whether or not they were discounted). We hated we couldn't give more info, but based on the old system, we couldn't have all the info (including an item number) on that specific bar coding machine.

That's where my sweet hubby came in and by the grace of God and 5 years of college, he was able to write the program which allowed us to have people create tags at home. Again, although this worked SO much better, it still didn't allow people to see specifics on their sheet that came with their checks. The other downfall to that system was that if people accidentally transposed their numbers, the system had no way of knowing that and someone could end up tagging their items under the wrong number. And yes, it happened a lot.

When I sold the sale, I strongly urged the new owners to go with a system like MCM. It was something Jonathan and I were planning on doing to prevent the transposing of numbers, plus I knew with a program like this, MCM would get the phone calls at 2am about lost tags versus my husband. It seemed like a great thing! Natalie and I were gung ho about the changes until we went and shadowed another sale that had recently implemented a program like this into their sale. Here's what we found:

*In order for the inventory to be 100% accurate, you either have to check off an itemized list OR scan each item in at check in. The reason is that SO MANY PEOPLE at that sale accidentally left stuff at home, gave things to a friend or just plain forgot to pin the tag on after they printed. I would say we easily saw 50% of consignors who arrived and had to x items off their inventory sheets. THANK GOD we kept those sheets when you read the points below.

*Consignors showed up constantly with complaints about their uploads. They didn't see an item on the floor and yet, it wasn't listed in their sold items from the night before's upload. The other sale literally had one worker who all they did was walk the floor and reassure consignors that their items were on the floor, etc.

*You wouldn't believe the number of people that showed up both at pick up and called later claiming they had brought an item and it apparently sold, but they didn't get paid. Back to those inventory sheets above. Yep, sure enough when we looked it up, they had indeed not brought the item. Now, I know many of you would say that's the reason we sign a waiver, but let's be honest, no sale wants to have a reputation of theft or untruthfullness.

So, why does it work well for other sales:

*they limit items or consignors. If you think about, how many sales let you bring an unlimited amount of items. We calculated that in order to check inventory on every single consignor (1100 of you), it would take between 1/1.5 hours for check in. Was it worse to have people mad about not seeing specifics on what they sold or having people mad that check-in took so long? Also, we had 72 hours to have 1100 people drop off. Most sales have a max of 300 people and the same amount of time.

*they don't do restock. Again, in order for the system to go live, we have to shut the sale down, which means people would not be able to restock like they do at Encores North. I personally believe that restock is one of the main reasons the sale stays so busy throughout the week.

So back to why the new owners did it the way they did? Well, quite simply, it's a learning process. They are still trying to figure the whole thing out and MCM has come right out and told us that we are one of the largest chain of sales they have ever worked with. It's not that they want your sales to be some big secret, but figuring out how to balance all of the points above and keeping everyone happy is tricky. Should you have been notified before? Yes. And I think I can tell you that they are sorry you weren't. No one likes change and change is handled best when everyone is in the know. I can promise you it wasn't intentional.

So why should you trust the new owners? Well, I'll tell you that I do. They have ran a successful sale in the Nashville area for 18 years and are bigger and stronger than ever before. They've given complete control to Natalie who proved to me for 2 years that she is very capable to manage this sale. I personally put over $25K in inventory in the sale and I can promise you I would have never done that if I was worried about not getting paid. No way. I can also tell you that although I love the owners of other sales in this area and have participated in many of them, I have yet to find another sale where I can sell the items for the prices I put and sell the majority of my items like I do at Encores North. I sell things there close to retail sometimes and boy, am I glad I do! That money goes towards clothing my kids and buying more inventory for future sales.

So all that to say, I'm glad you guys are expressing concerns and I know the new owners are always considering new ways to make the sale better and better. I just wanted to take a few minutes and explain why things were done this time. Don't forget, half price is Friday and Saturday and I can promise you there is still TONS of great bargains (AND all the NEW GYMBOREE AND BOUTIQUE is going HALF OFF!). Have a great week and thanks for reading this far :) Brea

1 comment:

Easy LLC said...

I am impressed to your post. Great! keep it up.