Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Well, I did it again. I've waited until the last minute (literally) to get my stuff tagged and I find as I glare at the bins of clothing that await me, that I just can't get motivated to get it ready.

I KNOW it will be so worth it when I see those bins empty and get that consignment check. I KNOW I will regret it if I don't get it hung, priced and dropped off. I KNOW I won't get anything for the items if I wait and put them in a yard sale. I KNOW all these things and yet, I DON'T WANT TO DO IT.

Ever feel that way when tagging? I'm sure I'm not the only one who wishes I could I close my eyes, click my heels and awaken to find that everything is neatly ironed, hung and ready to go.

So what tips do you have that help you get everything accomplished? Leave a comment with your best "getting it all ready" tip and I'll draw a winner next week out of the comments. Winner gets a $10 gift certificate to Encores and More North.

I'm going to quit procrastinating now and dive into my bins :) Happy tagging!


Staci Bishop said...

For me I just have to go at it in spurts. First, I pull out all the clothes and fluff them in the dryer or iron. Next I pull toys. Then I pick up all my needed supplies (card stock, hangers, safety pins). One day I may print/cut the cards and then another day start actually tagging and finally hanging the clothes. Trying to tackle it all at once is overwhelming and I'm more likely to not do it at all. I can climb a few small hills better than one gigantic mountain. Good Luck!

theharpolehouse said...

I get my hubby to help! It's more fun to do it with someone else, plus we can get it done faster together. He loves 'de-cluttering' our house, so he's usually game :)

christy said...

I get the kids and the hubby involved. They love putting the stuff on the hangers, then I pin them and the hubby hangs them up so they are nice and neat and stay in order. It is a fun way to get the family involved and it goes super fast.

Kimberly said...

Way before the sale I just get everything on hangars. I think this is the biggest help. No thinking, no tags, only some pins if needed. Just hang.

I tag in spurts, tackling only what I can carry down the stairs at a time.

And I start tagging as soon as I can get my number ... if you start way early like that, you can still procrastinate in spurts along the way and still get it all done in plenty of time.


Heather said...

A Tagging Party...My Mom, sister-in-law and I all got togerther and tagged our stuff together. It was great because it gave us a break from having to do everything, and we were all there together. This also keeps us from procratinating until the day of drop of.

Alison said...

My advice...VIP Tag it! haha. I didn't do that this time and don't feel like I am selling as much nor will make as much money because I tend to underprice my items! o well! Still going to be a great sale! Can't wait! Great job Sis!

Love you!

Crystal said...

I got my husband and mom to help and it went so much faster. My husband helped hang the clothes and my mom helped tag! I printed out lots of price tags and then we just sat and wrote on the tags size and description. We did it over a months time so it wasn't so bedroom has been a disaster area but I wasn't so stressed about rushing to get it done.

Susanne T. said...

Get the husband to help! Keep everything pre-sorted: hangers, safety pins, tape, separate boys/girls clothing, etc. Then, get to work! No man? Grab a girlfriend to help! Finally, have him load the car! :)